my moment
Un momento tuo, uno spazio quotidiano, per dedicarti tutta l'attenzione che meriti.
Dermomed pensa al tuo stile di vita e a ciò che ti fa stare bene. Conosce i tuoi ritmi, talvolta forse troppo accelerati e ti regala l’occasione di momenti personalissimi. I saponi e i bagnodoccia Dermomed sono studiati per regalarti spazi quotidiani di relax ma anche preziose occasioni per purificare corpo e mente. Sono formule esclusive che ti invitano a ritrovarti seducente e che ti ricordano, con la loro delicatezza, di prenderti cura di te.
A moment for you, a daily ritual...
Dermomed cares about how you live and what makes you feel good. It knows your pace of life is sometimes too frenetic, so it offers you a chance to take time for some pampering.
Dermomed hand soaps and shower gel are designed to give you a daily moment of relaxation and precious opportunities for cleansing your body and soul.
The new Dermomed shower gel range: Lime Vitality for a sparkling awakening, Energy with all the sweet fragrance of mango and Nature with fresh botanical notes. What's your moment?
to pamper you the way you deserve.
Exclusive formulas make you explore your seductive side and remind you to pamper yourself with their delicate nature.
Dermomed My Moment – A moment to yourself, a daily ritual for taking time to pamper yourself.
to pamper you the way you deserve.
Exclusive formulas make you explore your seductive side and remind you to pamper yourself with their delicate nature.
Dermomed My Moment – A moment to yourself, a daily ritual for taking time to pamper yourself.
Dermomed body care products are a line with intriguing sensorial nuances, capable of delivering specific benefits. Think of Anna, who enjoys an energising shower because there are plenty of new and exciting things to do in the day ahead. But there's also Ginevra, who likes a relaxing shower after intense workouts. And when Natalie's having a night in, she loves a long hot calming and soothing bath, setting the mood for some real beauty sleep. These enveloping fragrances for special moments leave a delicate scent on your skin. With Dermomed, you have complete freedom of choice for your relaxing scent. So, what moment are you?
Dermomed formulas
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Dermomed presents unique formulas, clever blends created in an intense, specialised study of the epidermis. Enriched with hyaluronic acid, they leave the skin soft and velvety. Dermomed combines its exacting scientific laboratory-based approach with a perfect understanding of the sensorial effects of fluids and fragrances: a complete holistic vision that helps create enveloping, seductive formulas.
My moment
What is Dermomed?
Dermomed is a brand owned by Italchimica, the leading Italian innovative cosmetics and cleansing products manufacturer. With its cosmetic formulations, Italchimica delivers solutions for personal health, improve the sense of well-being and quality of life, while respecting the environment and its resources.
What is Dermomed?
Dermomed is a brand owned by Italchimica, the leading Italian innovative cosmetics and cleansing products manufacturer. With its cosmetic formulations, Italchimica delivers solutions for personal health, improve the sense of well-being and quality of life, while respecting the environment and its resources.
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